A passionate architect, eclectic designer and contemporary art collector, Bombassei trained in Milan, the USA and Northern Europe and now lives in Milan, Bergamo and Venice. In his works, he uses space as if it were a stage and conceives surfaces with a magical, unreal expression. Over the years he has renovated historic buildings in Venice, farmhouses in Apulia, yacht interiors, and designed objects and furniture. With his global approach he succeeds in expressing and rendering functional the complexity of contemporary living, to give shape to new living spaces. Since 2005, he has headed the design coordination of the Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, within which he realised the Brembo R&D Centre with architect Jean Nouvel. In Venice, his architecture studio designed the renovation of the Casa dei Tre Oci, home of the Museum of Contemporary Photography. He promotes new talent through collaborations and patronage in the field of contemporary art. His motto is “consistency is for those without ideas”. He has been a Board Member of VIF since 2017 and Chairman since 2020.