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Free donations

The amount of the donation is free, you choose how much to donate.

Donations to organisations such as VIF enjoy tax benefits for both companies and individuals resident in Italy. In particular, Italian-registered companies can deduct the amount without any limit, as long as it does not exceed 10% of the total declared income of the company. Individual taxpayers in Italy, on the other hand, can deduct 30% of the donated amount up to a maximum of EUR 30,000; alternatively, they can deduct the donated amount without limit as long as it does not exceed 10% of their declared total income.  

Scan or click on the QR Code become a VIF member, or make a donation.


Support the Venice International Foundation.

Taking care of the future while preserving the past is an art. Venice constantly needs care and attention to enable its immense cultural heritage to be handed down to future generations. Protection, enhancement and promotion impose ethical constraints and constructive collaboration, but above all an element of personal gratification: the pride of contributing to the preservation of beauty.

The VIF broadcasts its ‘call to arts’ to those who care about the future of Venice, but wonder how to save it, how to feel involved, how to intervene. We have the answers to these questions.


You can support the realisation of our projects by becoming a member or by making a donation.


Membership category of the Venice International Foundation:


YOUNG (<25 years old) 200€


• “Art Pass Venice International Foundation” card benefits:


– Free entry for two people to the Venice City Museums (
Palazzo Ducale
Museo Correr (National Archeological Museum of Venice and Marciana National Library)
Ca’ Rezzonico
Ca’ Pesaro
Fortuny Museum
Mocenigo Palace Museum
Carlo Goldoni’s House
Natural History Museum
Glass Museum
Lace Museum


– Free entry for two people to the Gallerie dell’Accademia of Venice (


– Free entry for two people to the Fondazione Querini Stampalia (


• Invitation to the Venice Civic Museums’ exhibition openings;


• Invitation to the exhibitions’ openings organised by partner institutions of the Venice International Foundation;


• Newsletter subscription


JOINT 1.000€
Same benefits as for the Member extended to two people.


Same benefits as the Member and in addition:


• Entrance to the Venice City Museums accompanied by two guests;


• Possibility of exclusive guided tours during opening hours of the Venice City Museums and the exhibitions organised therein.


PATRON 6.000€
Same benefits as the Supporting Member and in addition:


• Exclusive opening, guided tours and use of museum spaces outside the opening hours of the Musei Civici di Venezia at a preferential rate and to be organised through the Venice International Foundation office;


• The possibility of using museum spaces for one event per year at a preferential rate to be organised through the Venice International Foundation office.